Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Goldfinches in the Coneflowers

The Goldfinches came to the coneflowers this afternoon.

It is hot but they do not seem to mind.
I watched for a few minutes
 from the dining room window.
Soon I was outside in the heat too.

I sat in the grass and watched a family of Goldfinches.
I forgot about the heat for a few minutes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I replanted the shasta daisies.
I chose Becky this time.
She makes me smile.

I enjoy finding the patterns in nature.

It was too hot today for Pond Watch.
After my morning watering I went inside.
It was just too hot and windy to be outside.

I am doing up pots of zinnias for July gifting and decorating.
The zinnias sprout in just a couple of days.
These are easy and fun to do up.
I am up early now and rest in the afternoons.

The butterflies also rest during the heat of the day.

Once again I have a stack of books to read.

At dusk I will go outside again to watch
the dance of the Fireflies.
It is Summer time and it is hot.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pond Watch

We saw lots of dragonflies on Pond Watch today.
The Eastern Amberwings were abundant.

Common White tails were very common.

We watched dragonflies for two hours.

We are now able to identify many of the dragonflies we have been seeing every week.
We both know this is a female Eastern Pondhawk

and this is a male Eastern Pondhawk.

The Blue Dashers strikes a classic dragonfly pose.

We keep seeing  a large red dragonfly that I think is a Ruby Meadowhawk.
So far we have not been able to get a photograph.
Xerces Society has added a few more dragonflies to look for.
Maybe next week we will spot them.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pond Watch

The Green Heron and his mate were

feeding in the pond when we arrived today.
The mate flew off immediately.

Many damselflies.
I need to get a damselfly field guide.

The pond was a busy place today.
Many Common White Tails and Widow Skimmers.

We were pleased when the Eastern Pond Hawk
 perched for a minute.
We think we saw a Blue Dasher.

Many dragons patrolled the pond.
We watched a red dragonfly zip by
but were unable to get a photograph.

This week we saw a male Ebony Jewelwing.
I do hope he found the female we saw last week.
I am so very pleased the Jewelwings 
are near by.

It was 80 degrees when we began our
watch at noon.
When we left at 2pm it was 86 degrees.
As we walked out of the woods we spotted a 
Little Wood-Satyr.

Our little pond is supporting lots of wildlife.
I look forward to Pond Watch Tuesdays.